Friday, June 4, 2010

Oh where, oh where, has the month of May gone . . .

Wow, is it really June? My goal was to post at least one more time before the month of May was up. Looks like that didn't happen. But that doesn't mean I didn't do anything. Life has been pretty adventurous. I have sooo many projects to do, but it seems like I am doing projects for everyone else. Then, by the end of the day, I am so exhausted, that finally getting to MY projects has lost its appeal to my pillow.

Shane has been gone this whole week rounding up cows and moving them up on the mountain. I've had a sore throat, and Mesa has been feverish and goobery the last couple days. In the mornings, her eyes are glued shut, and I have to soak them to get them open. Poor baby.

But in spite of all that, today was a good day. Today, we made it to an appointment--only ten minutes late. Afterwards, we went to the park. Wrong day to go to the park. It was a boy's youth baseball tournament and there were no less than a hundred little boys and their families swinging bats and throwing balls around. But my girls could care less, except that we had to wait awhile for the swings to open up, and another little girl kept stealing Rain's sippy cup. We went home to lunch, naps, books, and enjoying a nice summer evening.

But thankfully, Shane gets home tomorrow sometime and I might get a little break. Now, along the lines of gardens, since I've been noticing a lot of posts about gardening and yard work. Let's see... Our garden consists of about 5 potato plants that had sprouted in my pantry and Shane put in the ground. I won't post a picture of it because you probably can't see the plants behind all the foxtails. Then comes the lawn. Hmmm. I don't own a mower that works, so I have to borrow the neighbor's mower ALL the time. Because I have been very busy, I haven't mowed it for awhile. It looks horrid, and yet I have chosen to delay even longer, to let it go to seed so that perhaps it might fill in all the patches of dirt that are constant reminders that I have dogs who love to dig. 

But life is still good. I might even get another post in this month.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are busy - especially if Shane has been gone and you're doing all the home-front by yourself! Good luck with the garden/lawn ventures! And I hope you and Mesa are feeling better soon!
