Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair" . . . What? You cut your hair? Yes, I did and I promised pictures of my haircut, so here are a few. I was going to show a picture of it done curly too, but thought I better post what I have or I might never get to it. I miss my long hair, but I am enjoying having it shorter.

I had about 8 inches cut off, which I donated, and had my hair thinned a little more. Now that there isn't so much weight, my curls are starting to spring back to life. I had talked about getting a haircut for a long time. I knew it was time, but wasn't ready to face it. Everytime we would walk past someone with really short hair, I would always tease Shane --"How about if I cut my hair like that?" He would always glare at me and say "you better not." He said it was okay if I cut my hair, but it couldn't go above my shoulders. Like I would be brave enough to go any shorter. It took my sister and two aunts to help me cut this much off.

I decided to wait on trying bangs for awhile yet. Maybe after another two kids I will be ready. =)

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