Thursday, April 1, 2010

When I Grow Up, I'm Gonna Be . . . A Beautician

Valentines Day dawned like any other year, except this year it landed on Sunday, so it was a mad rush to get to church on time, so we weren't banished to the hard chairs in the back of the chapel. The weekend had been busy, so trying to stay awake at our early meetings, even with two wiggly girls, was a challenge. But we survived. After unloading the girls at home, I laid on my bed for a few minutes, thinking about the week ahead. Shane came in and we talked a little before Rain hopped on the bed, not wanting to be left out. She was pretending to "go nigh-nigh" by mom. But she quickly grew tired of that and soon found a bag of hair accessories that she began putting in my hair. Her favorites were the claw clips, which she was learning to open and latch onto things--like my hair. It was at this point I slipped into precious dreamland. Swirling in and out of my dreamy frame of mind was the feeling of the claw clips tickling my scalp as Rain put them in and out of my hair.

Then suddenly, my mind started registering a slightly different, more horrifying feeling--and accompanying sound--of scissors cutting hair. It took me a little longer to register that it wasn't the clips anymore. When I heard that sickening sound of cutting hair, I flew off the bed so fast, saying "No, No, No, NO, OH NOOOO!" as I ran to the bathroom mirror to survey the damage that I KNEW I would find. Clumps of hair started combing out with my fingers.

Of course, Rain started crying. I didn't want to make her feel worse, so I didn't cry. It was  a good thing I had already chopped a foot off my hair recently so I was mentally prepared to cope with something like this. My hair had been in a clip, so of course she didn't cut at the bottom where it would be easy to disguise; she cut on the very top, front of my head, too far back to even make bangs.

Luckily, she is still learning to manuever scissors, so her bites of hair weren't really big. And she cut them at slightly different lengths, so I am not dealing with as big of blunt cut areas as it could have been.

It was a little difficult to capture the effect because the scissors hacks were so haphazard that the longer hair was getting in the way of sorting it out for pictures. I guess it does help disguise it that way. This is only one clump that I was able so salvage enough for a picture.
It has been a little bit of a pain dealing with the short chunks as they grow out-especially when the wind blows. Those areas are also more prone to curl being as short as they are.

But my new hairstyle has probably been tried in some professional salon at one point or another, so if anyone needs a new modern haircut, I have an excellent recommendation-- and the price isn't too shabby either. It's FREE! 


  1. HahaHA! that is hilarious! She was just helping Mom look pretty heehee...

  2. Love the blog!! I guess there could be worse professions than a beautician. Sometimes I think we may be in for garbage disposal (Well, more of the disposal might be nice, most times it's just smeared around) sewer treatment (both girls love cleaning the toilet for some reason, usually when it's not flushed) acrobatics and circus performers are right up there too!!
