Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can you say 'honey'?

How can you resist a face like this? Rain loves to eat candies that turn her tongue colors so she can look in the mirror at her brightly-colored mouth.

Recently Rain had a pretty serious urinary tract infection (UTI). I was at a loss at how to help her. We ended up in the hospital on a Saturday morning, trying to get a urine sample from an un-potty-trained-youngster. She got a shot in her leg and a round of antibiotics. But for days we had alarmingly bloody urine in her diapers and VERY unhappy little girl. Everytime it started to burn she would say she wanted a band-aid on it. I honestly wish it was that simple. I never want to do that again.  

One day I was napping after church when Rain needed help getting a shirt on. After I helped her, she brought in her tricycle and said she needed help fixing it. I wasn't sure what she needed fixed, and I wasn't ready to get up from my nap, so I asked her if Daddy could fix it. To this she responded, "Can you say honey?" This seemed an odd response and so I rephrased my comment and told her to take her tricycle to daddy and daddy could make it work. Again she said, "Can you say honey?" I thought I was hearing her wrong until it clicked. When I want Shane's help with something, I say, "Honey, can you  . . . ?" In essence, she had picked up that Honey=Help. So she was asking me to call Daddy to help us. Now her comment made sense: "Can you say "Honey"?

The other night Rain wanted me to lie down with her after her stories. Next thing I knew it was 10:30, I was asleep on Rain's bed, with every one of her stuffed animals next to me and Rain was playing happily in her room. I am forever finding dolls and animals tucked into my bed such as the picture below. I'm glad they are developing some motherly instincts.

The girls are having a picnic with a friend. Here they are getting ready to say the blessing on the food. It was too cute not to snap a picture.

Until next time!